Birth Story : Theo | St. Augustine Birth Photographer
I was so delighted to document this incredible home birth. Read Nicole’s story of her birth experience and enjoy the video and photos that follow.
I've always loved reading birth stories. Seeing those vulnerable words being shared is what first led me to exploring the idea of a home birth, so I have those brave women to thank for setting me out on this path. My journey to motherhood has completely changed my life.
I was woken up early Sunday morning with contractions that were just strong enough to keep me from falling back asleep.
I didn't get all that excited because I had been experiencing intense Braxton Hicks for days at this point, and wasn't expecting to go into labor so close to my due date since our first son was well over a week "late". At this point, I was exactly 41 weeks pregnant based on my EDD.
I reached out to update my midwife and baby catcher extraordinaire, Maya, around 9am. I was still pretty comfortable at this point, so she suggested I rest when I could, stay hydrated, and eat a nutritious + filling breakfast (point on the board for home birth, because food 😋).
I called Maya back shortly after that first phone call because the contractions had intensified pretty quickly and my maternal instincts said it was time for her to head to the house.
At this time, I called my mama! For our first born, Carmine, Paul and I wanted an intimate experience with just us and the midwife. We didn't know what to expect with a home birth, and to be honest, I was scared. The idea of delivering at home was uncharted territory for my family, and they were just as terrified as I was (but my stubbornness couldn't let them know that).
This time around, I wanted to share the experience with my mom. However, she wouldn't be the only guest to witness the birth of our newest family member. Having her there meant an extra set of hands for my little man to join us.
In prepping for this delivery, it was so important to me to have Carmine (20 months old) present at the birth. It was unsettling to think of him getting removed from the comfort of his home, and returning to a new, fragile, little human in our house that needed mommy, too. I wanted him to be with me through labor, and witness his baby sibling be born.
In hindsight, I hadn't even considered the amazing benefits of watching his silly antics all day. Thank you oxytocin + happy hormones! He's the goofiest little dude, and even brought me a pinecone as a gift while I was laboring in the pool. 😂
Fast forward to about 11am once Maya arrived and "checked me" (if you know, you know 🥴), I was pleasantly surprised that I was already pretty dilated and effaced.
This birth, though still early on, was already wildly different than my first, in the best ways possible. I had a newfound confidence going into it. I knew what to expect and what my body was capable of. I was buzzing and giddy all day, anxiously awaiting the arrival of our baby, smiling from ear to ear.
I labored throughout our home, walking amongst butterflies in our backyard garden, and moving through different postures to help position baby just right! Paul and I even went for a walk around the block at 9cm!
After a few hours of minimal progress and still feeling pretty good, we explored the option of breaking my water to get things moving.
I felt such a strong pressure with no relief in sight. My gut told me my water needed to be broken. After talking with Maya, she fully supported me in my decision, and labor quickly progressed after we did that.
Within the next thirty minutes, I was flowing with strong contractions on all fours in the birth pool. Sometimes the "hip squeeze" brought relief, and other times I didn't want to be touched. I was focused and present, in tune with what my body was experiencing. It felt like waves crashing as my uterus contracted and pushed my baby further and further down. I visualized each contraction bringing baby closer to the safety of my arms.
I pushed for about 20 minutes wrapped up in Paul. His presence was and continues to be so grounding for me. It was so nostalgic because this is the exact positioning that felt best for me when Carmine joined us earthside as well.
After that memorable, final push, Theo John was born at 4:30pm on March 29th, 2020 in the comfort of our home. ️❤️
After Maya placed this small, delicate baby on my chest, we were so excited to learn we were welcoming another BOY to our family. Of course, we just wanted a healthy baby, but man did we want another boy! 😂
Something about Carmine having a little brother to run around and grow with just felt so right.
I felt so incredibly supported all day long, and cannot thank First Coast Midwifery enough for their second to none service. These women are incredibly selfless and so so nurturing. I was so deeply cared for from start to finish, and so very empowered.
I cannot wait to learn all that my boys have to teach me. They are both so beautifully unique already.
Through all the sleepless nights, the ones where I stayed up beyond exhaustion with engorged boobs and heavy eyelids. The breast milk stain shirts and milky smiles - I know I was put on this earth to be their mama + I love this life. ❤️