Birth Story : Paisley | Jacksonville Birth Photographer
With incredible strength and determination, Destiny brought sweet Paisley into this world. It was a beautiful home birth for these first-time parents. Destiny’s husband, Josh, was a constant support for her. He never left her side.
When I arrived, Midwife Jenn Stone with Jacksonville Community Midwives was there, along with midwifery student, Tiffany Reeves Martin. They had been with Destiny since early that morning when things were starting to intensify.
Destiny was having pretty frequent contractions and she was working through them really well. She traveled from the couch, to the backyard, to the shower and the tub to find different ways to cope with the increased sensation as Paisley moved down.
I loved capturing the beauty of the connection between Destiny and Josh. The matching tattoos on their arms stating “You are my Greatest Adventure” added to the richness of this story. They were each others’ greatest adventure, yet just about to start a brand new adventure together.
Working through the pain of childbirth is something that can be tough, but also empowering. I remember Tiffany talking about how sometimes moms have a hard time leaning into the pain and pushing through it. She was observing how it’s counterintuitive, but how it leads to the beautiful relief of having your baby.
At one point, Destiny felt like Paisley was stuck. She felt like giving up, but Jenn encouraged her to keep going. It wasn’t long after this that her sweet little girl made her arrival. It was a room filled with love and tears as we all watched Destiny and Josh soak in this amazing moment of when they became parents.