The Birth Story of Josie Paola | Jacksonville Birth Photographer
This swift and sweet birth was so heartwarming! When I walked in, Alana’s surges were very intense. She stayed in the same spot, working through each one with her husband, Camilo, by her side. She was very calm and inward-focused. Knowing that she still had a while to go, Alana asked for some pain relief, which helped her relax and take a short nap. As she was waking, the nurse was noticing some indications on the monitor that perhaps their baby had moved down quite a bit… and she was right! This mama’s labor had progressed significantly in a short amount of time, and their baby was right there! We were all in shock and got ready to help Alana as she mustered her strength and brought her baby earthside. Tears immediately followed Josie’s arrival. Alana and Camilo were so clearly in love with their sweet baby girl. I so enjoyed documenting all the smiles and snuggles as they welcomed their newest daughter.