The Birth Story of Trever Ashten | Jacksonville Birth Photographer
Trever’s birth was so beautiful and powerful. Ashlee handled the intensity with such strength and resilience. She was constantly supported by her husband, Tyler, who held her and sweetly encouraged her. In between surges, there were lots of laughter and smiles. Their connection was incredible.
Ashlee and Tyler’s little boys were there, too, along with Ashlee’s mother and grandmother. The atmosphere was warm and loving, as each surge brought their baby closer.
When it was time, Midwife Sam guided Tyler’s hands to catch his own baby, who began to cry before he was even fully born! The look on Tyler’s face was unforgettable as he held his little one. He handed baby Trever over to Ashlee and she beamed with love and relief. Their boys came over to inspect their baby brother. They touched his skin and the younger boy commented on how he looked like a baby rabbit. Then, when the older boy felt the cord, he said “It feels kinda like Checkers.” Ashlee and Tyler informed us all that Checkers is their snake! The boys later cut the cord together, which was so fun to witness. Another noteworthy moment was when Ashlee was feeling some strong sensations as her placenta detached. Her older boy placed his hand on her chest to comfort her. Both boys loved being involved.
I was so happy to be a part and document this precious story. See their full birth film, along with some key moments in the photographs below.