The Birth Story of Guinevere Marie | Jacksonville Birth Photographer
Another beautiful birth at the First Coast Midwifery birth center! It was a joy to be in this warm and welcoming space again!
This first-time mom’s labor was quite short. Leslie arrived at the birth center, not entirely sure that she was actually in labor. Her doula, Kahla, and I got the call from Midwife Sam - not who we were expecting to hear from first! Leslie was dilated to 9 cm already, so we got there as quickly as we could! It was about 4 hours before their sweet baby girl arrived, and she was so strong through the intensity of the waves of pain. Her fiancé, Eric, supported her so sweetly, and Kahla was right by her side giving her the encouragement and reassurance she needed.
She labored for a long time in the tub, but decided to try some different positions on the bed. As she hugged the birth ball, she beautifully birthed her baby girl with strength and determination. It was an incredible moment. Love, relief, a sense of accomplishment, and joy filled the room.
I so enjoyed witnessing this miracle of this baby girl’s life beginning, and she is so loved, as you can see in this sweet story below.